Waylon booed and pelted with beer at Muziekfeest op het Plein

Waylon was booed yesterday and pelted with beer during the recording of the TV program Muziekfeest op het Plein in the city of Houten, near Utrecht. “The Netherlands has not forgiven him yet.”

© RTL, Instagram

During the riot surrounding The Voice of Holland, Waylon spoke with horror about men who do not treat women correctly, but he himself does not appear to be spotless either. He cheated on his beloved Bibi Breijman while she was heavily pregnant on the couch. She has now forgiven him, but the Netherlands has not yet.

Waylon the scarf

Waylon performed together with Jan Smit yesterday during the recording of the AvroTros show Muziekfeest op het Plein, but the audience in Houten was not exactly waiting for him. In a story by Yvonne Coldeweijer you can see how people are shouting at him en masse and that the singer is pelted with beer. “A warm welcome to Waylon,” she writes cynically.

The juice channel Juice Channel thinks that Jan is quite the jack. “A number of followers were present at Muziekfeest op het Plein and finally Waylon had a performance together with Jan Smit. A lot of people then ran away and the rest threw beer at Waylon.”

Not forgiven yet

Many people are annoyed that Waylon cheated on his then very pregnant girlfriend, Juice Channel thinks. “Bibi may have forgiven him quickly, but the Netherlands has not yet done so.”

Another follower told the channel: “Hahahaha well I can tell you now: he is going to get a very cold shower on Saturday, because he will perform at our festival, and we Hoogeveeners puke on such people.”


The juice channel-stories about Waylon:


Waylon responds to camera at RTL Boulevard. He tells Bibi to go on a love holiday to Scandinavia:
