Warm welcome for much talked about Kamila Valieva on returning home to Russia | Olympics

Kamila Valieva has been warmly welcomed in Russia after two particularly turbulent Olympic weeks. The 15-year-old figure skater was the center of a doping riot, eventually succumbing to the pressure, but still proved popular in her home country.

Valieva landed in Moscow today where quite a few fans with posters, flags and flowers had gathered. There was also a marching band. The controversial athlete strode quickly past the crowd.

“These have been difficult days for me,” Valieva previously told Russia’s Channel One. “It’s like I don’t have any emotions left. I’m happy, but on the other hand, emotionally tired.”

Despite a positive doping test, Valieva was allowed to participate in Beijing and led the short freestyle after an impressive performance. In the free freestyle she seemed to succumb to all the noise that her participation had caused worldwide and eventually she missed a medal.

Kamila Valieva knows that she is supported by her fans. © AFP

The reaction of her guidance after the free freestyle caused quite a few frowning eyebrows. “No consolation, but distance… horrifyingThomas Bach, head of the International Olympic Committee, said.

The fierce story of the Russian figure skater has opened a worldwide discussion about a age limit in the Olympic games.



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