VVV and Roda JC relax on their way to Koel-kraker | 1Limburg

VVV and Roda JC are both working towards their mutual duel in De Koel with a good feeling.

The Venlonians have been strengthened by two victories in a row. And the club from Kerkrade has been unbeaten for months and made leader FC Volendam sweat last Monday and got stuck at 1-1.

At De Kraal training complex in Venlo, the atmosphere was relaxed and defender Sem Dirks was introduced to the game of slat kick and Limburg flan.

Look below for the latest preparations of VVV-Venlo

In Kerkrade it was about ambitions and they played the old Dutch butter, cheese and eggs.

Watch Roda JC’s final preparations below

The game between yellow-black from North and South Limburg can be followed live on L1 Radio on Sunday afternoon from 2:30 PM.


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