Vox demands the vice presidency of the Junta de Castilla y León to support the PP

  • The extreme right is established as the third force with 13 prosecutors and stands as an essential ally for Mañueco to reissue his mandate

vox claims its share of power in the government of Castile and Leon after the polls have catapulted him to third position passing from one to 13 procurators with the 17.63% of the votes. An unprecedented result that marks a new rise of the extreme right in Spain. Knowing that they are the only and essential ally for the PP to contain the Junta, the ultras raise the price of the alliance: “What a vice-presidential face Juan García-Gallardo is putting on!“, he snapped Santiago Abascal from León, under the rain, clearing up the main unknown of the elections.

The play of Alfonso Fernandez Manueco to advance the elections after breaking with citizens now forces him to change partners to reissue the Castilian-Leonese presidency. But it is no longer enough for the extreme right to facilitate investitures or budgets without touching power and management, but rather it is about to caress its first regional government, despite the fact that the PP disdains ties.

And, as they had already been warning, the conditions of Vox they will be “hard”, trying to get a slice and popularity from the negotiation, knowing they are essential. And here enters a fundamental programmatic agreement, which sets the plans of the legislature and details its commitment, after the “non-compliance” that they detect in Madrid and Andalusia. There is mistrust.

eight out of nine

“We demand respect for the verdict of the sovereign people. Vox has the right and the duty to form a government in Castilla y León. The mandate is clear: we are going to do it as we have always done, responsibly, based on the strength that the Castilians and Leonese have given us. We will not demand more or less than what corresponds to us,” Abascal emphasized.

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The pull of Vox, with hardly a preponderant role of the young applicant Juan Garcia-Gallardowas guaranteed in all the polls, the result of a campaign on the ground with more well-known positions and the bloodletting of Ciudadanos.

The ultras sowed in all the provinces except Soria, eight of the nine provinces, surpassing, in total, 211,000 votes. Some figures that forced them to rethink their initial plan, to condition the PP from the outside, without entering the government. Something that, given the result, seemed unjustifiable for ultra voters. Abascal acknowledged that the polls exceeded his own expectations, and erected Vox as the alternative to “stop the popular front of socialists, communists, separatists and terrorists from Spain.” The extreme right manages to be decisive and it only depends on the PP to give it more room.


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