Volt suspends MP Gündoğan after reports of transgressive behavior | Inland

The party announced this on Sunday evening. After the reports of the undesirable behavior, the party decided to engage an external integrity agency. Until that bureau’s investigation is completed, Gündoğan is not welcome at the group. “This is to create a safe environment for those involved for the continuation of the investigation and to allow both parties to be heard,” said the party, which indicates that it does not want to make any further announcements about the matter until the investigation is completed.

The progressive and outspoken pro-European Volt is a newcomer to the House of Representatives: in the parliamentary elections last year, the party led by Laurens Dassen won three seats. In addition to Gündoğan and Dassen, Marieke Koekkoek is also in the Chamber on behalf of the party.

Last week, PvdA MP Gijs van Dijk resigned after several reports of “undesirable behavior in the private sphere.”


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