Vlaamse vaccinatiekosten vallen better mee then thought: 74 euros per Vlaming | Corona virus what do you want to know

“Bij the start of the vaccination campaign we had the total cost of Vlaanderen estimated at 290 million euros”, Aldus Diependaele. “Vandaag blijkt dat de basiccampagne cost 214 million euros.”

According to the minister, there are two talks about the financial situation. “We have a higher level of vaccination than thought: in de berekeningen zijn we uitgegaan van 4.5 miljoen Vlamingen, terwijl othertussen al 4.8 miljoen Vlamingen een prik kregen and de costs dus over sea mensen been verdeeld. Because of this, the postage costs for the medical personnel in the warehouse outside of the city are then registered, so that there are more volunteers to come and help them then.”

The 74 euro per gevaccineerde Vlaming does not come with all the returns from the Vlaamse regering. So is de aankoop van de Basisvaccins een federale kost, terwijl de communicatiecampagnes en het opzetten van de vaccinatiecentra op costs van de Vlaamse overheid geurde.


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