Vastelaovend at the last minute: buy a pekske quickly | 1Limburg

“It will really be a madhouse in the coming days. Fortunately, because we did not expect that anymore.”

That’s what Jill Ridder, co-owner of Carnival shop ‘t Mooswief in Maastricht, says. “A large shipment is coming in. But by no means all items can be delivered. In some cases it takes another 4 months. The fact that Carnival is celebrated in a few days does indeed come as a surprise.”

“My wife wants golden boots and I go every year as an Eskimo. I still have that suit,” says a Maastricht resident while shopping between the party items. “It’s confusing for everyone. But if we’re allowed, we’ll just celebrate. You have to take what you can, right?”

A woman and her three-year-old son are looking for a suitable costume for the little one. “He was one when he experienced Vastelaovend with us for the first time. He can’t remember much about that. Suddenly things are going fast with the relaxation. We doubt whether we will go into the city next week. too busy. We are still careful and stay in the village with carnival. That is quieter.”

Jill Ridder also works in another shop where people can buy fabric to make their own clothes:. “It’s busy there too. I think a lot of people decide to pimp up their old costume, because it’s a very short day to sew a new outfit. At least I can’t do that anymore.”


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