Usetiful, a platform to create interactive customer onboardings

After making a sale, it is essential to maintain the relationship with a customer to achieve loyalty. For this reason, customer onboarding should be implemented. It is a process that engages and guides them after their purchase to ensure they are using a product correctly. It makes it possible to offer an optimal and ideal customer experience to consumers and to increase the rate of loyalty. It is a key element of customer acquisition. To help you create clear and interactive onboardings, there are Useful. It is not necessary to know how to code.

Easily create customer onboarding

Leaving a bad impression on a consumer could cause them to forgo a product and no longer want to have anything to do with the brand. Engaging customer onboarding leaves a positive impression, which Usetiful can help with. First, you have to go to the platform and copy and paste a small piece of code on its site. The first feature, Product Tours, offers the ability to fully customize onboarding. The user chooses the welcome text for their customers, such as “Thank you for choosing our solution. This guide will help you better understand how it works”.

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To make it easier for them to understand how the product works, the user can add images by selecting the source and indicating a description and the size. The tool allows you to highlight elements of your site to guide consumers more easily, to add cursors, menus, etc.

Usetiful also offers to create interactive onboardings in the form of a checklist. They help to guide the customer more easily in his discovery of a solution or a product. He can carry out the process at his own pace and know more easily where he stopped in his progress. He simply has to tick a box at each stage carried out.

The tool has an additional feature: Smart Tips. Concretely, they make it possible to subtly guide the customer towards specific actions, without disturbing him in his user journey. We can insert bubbles with information or highlight new elements that could be useful to him.

Regarding the design, Usetiful offers to choose one of its themes, or to design one in line with its brand identity.

At this time, it is possible to obtain the tool for 59 dollars at once instead of 339 dollars. The user has access to the platform and can take advantage of all the features. In the event that several members need to use Usetiful, they can opt for one of the two other offers available.

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