Unsportsmanlike? Hockey players Bloemendaal and Laren suddenly stop playing at ‘perfect position’

The indoor hockey players from Bloemendaal and Laren have managed to avoid relegation from the main league in a very striking way. At 4-3, about a minute and a half before the final whistle, both teams suddenly stopped playing.


With the 4-3 final score, both Bloemendaal and Laren would not be relegated from the highest indoor hockey class. This in contrast to Ring Pass from Delft, which was relegated due to this final score.

With a different final score, either Bloemendaal or Laren would be relegated. So both teams struck a chord. The hockey ladies of Ring Pass had to watch the bizarre scene from the stands.

Check out the bizarre images below. Text continues.

The Ring Pass trainer was furious after the game, so according to an interview with Hockey.nl. “This is anything but sporty,” said Marc van Geest. “Then at least play that ball up and down. That would be to their liking.”

Bastiaan van Veelen and his assistant Maarten Bosman van Laren tell the website that they ‘understand’ that it is disappointing for Ring Pass to be relegated like this. “But we also dare to say that they probably would have done the same if they had been in our shoes. Nothing illegal has happened. Don’t blame us that we didn’t go for the 4-4.”

This is a message from the joint news editors


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