Universities in exchange: Lübeck shows off its most beautiful side

As part of the peer-to-peer tandem program “HFDlead”, universities across Germany were able to indicate their strengths and development wishes in the area of ​​digitalization. The vice presidents for studies and teaching, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert Baaser from the TH Bingen and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Abke from the TH Lübeck is assigned to each other in order to support the other university and to profitably contribute their skills.

Shortly before the end of the one-year program, in which the discussions took place largely digitally, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Abke greets his tandem partner Prof. Dr.-Ing. in bright sunshine. Herbert Baaser, the members of the executive committee and other people responsible for various organizational areas. “We quickly realized that we got along well. “With this visit, our constructive work over the last year has taken on a personal character,” said Baaser happily.

Digital teaching, teaching videos and networking

The group exchanged ideas with interest about digital teaching, the production of teaching videos and platforms for networking different universities. At the Junior Campus, where MINT projects for children and young people are organized, the enthusiasm of those responsible for the project was literally palpable. This struck a chord with the guests from Bingen, who were also very happy to offer MINT projects for school children and the children’s college. Before moving on to research into positioning systems, the tripping robot dog provided a mobile demonstration during the demonstration 5G antenna for smiling faces among the visitors from Rhineland-Palatinate.

The exchange with the TH Bingen is extremely fruitful. It has been shown that both universities are at different levels when it comes to the important topics of higher education and can therefore mutually benefit from each other,” says Jochen Abke.

In the afternoon, the participants discussed in topic-specific small groups how their own university is overcoming challenges, what issues are currently affecting them and where they would be grateful for a new perspective. Precisely because each federal state sets its own framework conditions, each of the two universities found its own solutions and was able to give the other ideas and food for thought.

During a slightly different kind of city tour and a social gathering in the evening, new friendships were made and a return visit to Bingen was planned. Everyone involved found the cross-border collaboration to be enriching and were sure: This was not the last exchange.


As a nationwide think-and-do tank, the University Forum for Digitalization (HFD) brings together a broad community around digitalization in studying and teaching and tests innovative solutions. The main program of the HFDlead network is a peer-to-peer tandem offer. This means that university management is networked through a targeted application and matching process. The tandem teams benefit from each other’s experiences in strategy development processes relating to digitalization in studies and teaching. You can find more information about HFDlead here.
