Under the influence of alcohol, HSV Heiloo starts off in period 2 at Kratje Trap

Just like in the first division, the now infamous ‘Crate Trap’ section also works with periods. The women of Nieuw Sloten 1 took the 1st period title very convincingly. And now new opportunities and new prizes in period 2. It is the men of HSV Heiloo 8 who can call the shots. They do this in a very Burgundian way with a beer in hand. “This is our warm-up. We usually play on Sunday morning and then we are often a bit tipsy.”

Three players taped together try to score as many points as possible. They are given 15 balls and 2.30 minutes for this. If the ball flies into the goal, it scores 3 points. The crates yield many more points.


If you would like to participate in this game, please send an email to [email protected] stating “Crate Trap”. Who knows, reporter Erik-Jan Brinkman may also visit your team.

Stand Crate Stairs:

1. HSV Heiloo 8 64 points
2. ?
