UN organization to take care of the treatment of workers in Xinjiang | Buitenland

Het Chinese offended ten aanzien van workers in the region of Xinjiang is “discriminating” and not in line with wereldwijde standaarden. A committee of lawyers of the Internationale Arbeidsorganatie (ILO), a organisatie of the Verenigde Naties, says here about “thepe bezorgdheid”. The Chinese regering in Beijing wordt opgeroepen de situatie te beteren.

In a declaration of the Commission wordt on the sea carried out to Chinese rules were army aan bedrijven in vacancies all sorts of obligations could be explained for “de-radicalisering”. It sounds like a long critique op het Chinese beleid in Xinjiang.

Volgens UN experts in human rights organizations have been more than a few people, for example Oeigoeren and leden van other Muslim minds, than a direct dwangarbeiders vastgehouden in Kampen in the uiterst western region of the country. Maar China knows that there is something wrong in Xinjiang and shows that he is sorry that helps extremism.

Het rapport van de ILO wordt later that year nog discussed in a big conference. De conclusions can also still suffer tot a formula klacht. Then he had an onderzoekscommissie opgetuigd om de misused verder te onderzoeken.

The new criticism comes at a good moment. For the situation in Xinjiang, the last word is particularly important because of the Olympic games in China. Uit protest tegen de mansenrechteschendingen landed as the United States, Groot-Brittannië, Canada and Australie eerder al besloten geen hoogwaardigheidsbekleders naar het sportevenement te sturen.


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