Uli Hoeneß counters Kahn – strictly rejects playoffs

Uli Hoeneß considers playoffs in the Bundesliga to be a “joke idea”. In a panel discussion on Servus TV, the honorary chairman of Bayern Munich also railed against the new head of the German Football League.

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Bayern Munich’s honorary president Uli Hoeneß has spoken out vehemently against playoff games for the German championship in the Bundesliga. “That’s just a law against Bayern Munich,” said the 70-year-old in the program “Sport and Talk from Hangar-7” on Monday evening on the TV station Servus TV about the current debate about a changed game mode.

In contrast to the Munich CEO Oliver Kahn, who had shown interest, he found such mind games “ridiculous,” said Hoeneß in the panel discussion. “I find that ridiculous. In the Bundesliga, after 34 matchdays, the champion should be the one who has gone through thick and thin with his team.”

Hoeneß briefly commented that Kahn was open to a debate about the playoffs: “That’s his opinion, it’s not mine.” Finally, he sarcastically remarked on the subject on the show: “If they get stuck with that, they decide that we can only play with ten people.”

“It has nothing to do with tension”

The fight for the title in the Bundesliga has been suffering for years from the dominance of Bayern, who are currently aiming for their tenth championship in a row. “It has nothing to do with tension,” Hoeneß said of the playoffs.

comment: Are playoffs the last chance for the Bundesliga? See an exciting exchange of blows in the video here.

In this context, Hoeneß attacked Donata Hopfen, the new head of the German Football League (DFL). Hops initiated the discussion in an interview.

“The new managing director of the DFL thinks day and night about how to break the dominance of FC Bayern,” Hoeneß claimed. “And that’s when they get this idea. There aren’t any playoffs in any major league in the world, not in England, not in Spain, not in Italy, not in France.”


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