Ukrainian Foreign Ministry urged not to believe apocalyptic forecasts

Foreign Minister Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba posted a message on Twitter, urging people not to believe “apocalyptic” forecasts of the West about a possible Russian invasion.

However, the minister stressed that the Ukrainian authorities are ready for any development of events.

“Do not believe the apocalyptic forecasts. Different scenarios are calculated in different capitals, but Ukraine is ready for any development of events,” Kuleba wrote.

Earlier, Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security Jake Sullivan on the air of one of the TV channels said that the situation around Ukraine is “in the window when something can happen.” According to him, “escalation and invasion can occur at any moment,” reports TASS.

Moscow has repeatedly in response to posts like this stated that she did not pose a threat to anyone, and the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov called them empty and baseless escalation of tension.

However, the Kremlin spokesman did not rule out the possibility of provocations to justify such statements. Peskov warned that attempts to forcefully resolve the crisis in southeastern Ukraine would have the most serious consequences.


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