Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: Rubicon crossed

Ukraine managed to consolidate very high level of international support, the Western democratic world today speaks with “aggressive Russia” with a single voice, said the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Kuleba.

As he wrote in a column for the NV publication, Kiev has a well-thought-out diplomatic strategy to counter the “Russian escalation.” Now a new element has been added to it – assistance to maintain the economic and financial stability of the state.

Further, Kuleba listed her results: the number of aircraft with “arguments” to strengthen the Armed Forces from allies, agreement between the US, UK, Canada and the EU on a sanctions package.

“Previously about disconnecting Russia from SWIFT even afraid to start a conversation. Now there is a heated debate about this. Although, in our opinion, there is nothing to discuss here. The Rubicon has been crossed – Ukraine has become stronger and will not allow a repetition of the tragedy of 2014,” the head of the Foreign Ministry stressed.

Kuleba also said that the “shuttle” diplomacy of the Cold War era was replaced by “network” diplomacy centered in Kiev. He compared the work of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry with a modern gadget that “at ultra-high speed” solves many problems at the same time, “outwardly maintaining an unshakable appearance.” According to him, this work gives concrete results.


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