Ukraine calls for calm after reports of impending raid

Ukraine calls for calm after reports of impending raid

Ukraine has called for calm as concerns grow over a possible Russian invasion. The United States and several other countries have called on their residents to leave the Eastern European country.

Ukraine’s foreign ministry said in a statement that it is “critical” not to create panic. Also “destabilizing acts” should be avoided.

Western countries have been concerned for some time about a Russian troop build-up on the border with Ukraine. The US fueled tensions on Friday by warning that an invasion could take place at “any moment”.

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The US has intelligence that Russia is considering launching an attack next Wednesday, insiders told The New York Times. It is unclear how reliable that information is.

Summits are still taking place to prevent further escalation. US President Joe Biden is expected to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Saturday. The Ukrainian ministry emphasizes that the armed forces are closely following the latest developments. The army would also be ready to defend the country and repel attacks.


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