Ukraine, because the devastated Chernobyl center is strategic

S.ale la tension between Kiev and Moscow. And the call to arms against the Russian invasion, if there ever will be, affects every corner of the country. Also Chernobyl. The area where the April 26, 1986 took place most tragic nuclear disaster in history it is, in fact, the shortest way for the Russians to invade Ukraine.

Chernobyl, the Russians will not pass

And that’s why 7,500 Ukrainian soldiers were deployed to patrol on the front that passes right from the devastated plant. “It doesn’t matter if the region is contaminated, this is Ukraine too. And there are a thousand reasons why the Russians never set foot on it againIs the order of the Minister of Defense.

If for the world it is the most inhospitable place on earth, for Ukrainian citizens, on the other hand, it cannot be ignored. AND the call to arms against the Russian invasion, if there ever will be, even 35 years later the deaths, the tumors and the millions of infected by the worst of atomic leprosy, is respected.

Also because, as the Ukrainian ambassador to London, Vadym Prystalko warns, also «Putin’s aggression can be a disaster like Chernobyl»Given that after France, Ukraine is the second country for nuclear power plants.

The disaster area populated by horror tourism

The devastated country lives today with visits at a safe distance from the famous 4-Lenin reactor and with the Chernobyl Tours that attract every year 100 thousand “horror tourists”, who can’t wait to go into the places of the disaster.

In 2016, paid for by the Americans and 45 countries, the concrete sarcophagus from a billion dollars that over the decades had slowly corroded to avoid that the residues of the radioactive core, i.e. liquid lava that could kill anyone who is exposed to it for more than five minutes, they spread in the air or in the aquifers.


Chernobyl, the symbol of the Soviet disaster

The destroyed plant remains a indispensable symbol of Soviet disasters, focuses directly on Moscow and on failure to take responsibility for the Kremlin of the censorships imposed at the time and of the constant cover-up of the truth that the world could only know in 2009, when the secret documents of the Politburo were published in the US.

Now Chernobyl is covered with plants and miraculously repopulated by animals and Kiev has asked Unesco to declare it a World Heritage Site. There is no passing. Or at least that will be the goal.



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