Two-thirds find it wrong to award the Olympics to China

According to a survey, shortly before the opening ceremony, two-thirds of Germans reject awarding the Winter Olympics to China.

In retrospect, 66 percent of those questioned described the decision as wrong, as can be seen from a representative survey by infratest dimap for the ARD Germany trend. On the other hand, 15 percent find the award correct. Just over half of those surveyed (52 percent) indicated that their overall view of the Olympic Games has tended to deteriorate over the years.

There are various reasons for the criticism of those questioned about this year’s hosting of the Winter Games in China: 68 percent criticize the political situation on site. In retrospect, 17 percent consider the award to China to be wrong because of the environmental interference in sports facility construction, 8 percent because of the corona rules applicable in China.

The opening ceremony of the games in Beijing will take place on Friday (1 p.m./ZDF and Eurosport). Before the start, criticism of human rights violations in China increased. Activists reported intimidation, interrogation and state security officials telling Chinese civil rights activists to restrain themselves during the games. Numerous top German politicians have announced that they do not want to travel to Beijing.


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