True goods!?

Product piracy, plagiarism, false lips, fake mails… Who is supposed to keep track of the difference between the original and the fake? What is the appeal of imitation? And is this actually a modern phenomenon? It’s not always about fraud and increasing profits. With our interlocutors in the episode “Wahre Ware?!” we let our thoughts jump back and forth between music, surgery, digital certificates and the Hanseatic period.

After an accident, a new face can enable the patient to return to social life. Prof. Dr. Peter Sieg, the director of the Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery at the UKSH in Lübeck helps people with tumors, congenital malformations or serious injuries. Of course, cosmetic corrections are also carried out without medical or psychosocial necessity. Are they therefore reprehensible? Covering a song is part of artistic freedom. The borderline to plagiarism is sometimes vague. And shouldn’t playback be a thing of the past since Milli Vanilli at the latest? We will speak to Bernd Ruf about this. The professor for popular music at the MHL is, among other things, the founder and artistic director of the GermanPops Orchestra. Recognizing counterfeits in the digital world is particularly difficult for laypersons. In terms of data security, however, they can have far-reaching consequences. Professional help and strict regulations are needed here. Andreas Wittke from the Technical University is researching digital certificates in the blockchain and called that DigiCert’s network into life. But hand on heart: was everything really better in the past? Were the merchants and sailors more honest in Hanseatic times? Who looked at their fingers? With answers to these and other questions, the director of the European Hanseatic Museum, dr Felicia Sternfeld, the current podcast round as a guest.

Presenter Theresia Lichtlein, Head of Communications at the Technical University of Lübeck, will be added to the moderation team of GEDANKENSPRÄNGE from the 10th episode. Once a month, the podcast from Lübeck illuminates 3 topics of research, culture and society. Representatives of the three universities involved in the project (Music Academy in LübeckTechnical University of Lübeck and University of Luebeck) and depending on the topic, an expert is invited as a guest to the interdisciplinary discussion round.

The podcast is available through the website and all common platforms ready for retrieval. The 45-minute episodes go online on Wednesdays in the middle of the month at 12 noon. On February 16th, the theme complex “Really true!” enters the fifth round with the topic “True goods?!”.
Knowledge transfer, mutual dialogue and new ideas – this is what Lübeck stands for 3. The initiators and representatives of the three universities see their own podcast as an important building block to stimulate discourse with society about science and culture.

The discussion round in episode 10

Professor Bernd Ruf: The professor for popular music at the MHL is considered to be one of the most prominent border crossers in the German music scene. The focus of his work is on bringing together and comparing classical music, new music, jazz and so-called world music. He works as a freelance conductor in Germany and abroad and has regularly conducted the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra and the Stuttgart Philharmonic as a guest for several years. For the Handel Festival in Halle, he conceived and directed the annual concert event “Bridges to the Classics”. Bernd Ruf is also the founder and artistic director of the GermanPops Orchestra. The orchestra has specialized in studio productions and live concerts in the field of classical crossover.

Prof. Dr. Peter Sieg is Director of the Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein in Lübeck. He and his team mostly come to people who have suffered head and neck injuries or who need to have a tumor removed. But Professor Sieg can also help children with congenital malformations, which not only affect their appearance, but also make it difficult to breathe, speak and eat. Aesthetic corrections of the face and neck are also part of his everyday surgical work. He has also been a volunteer for more than 20 years: he travels to crisis areas and helps patients there.

dr Felicia Sternfeld studied art history, history and politics in Münster, Regensburg and Paris, among others. After completing her doctorate with Prof. Hans Ost (Cologne), Felicia Sternfeld was the German representative for the im Kinsky Kunst auctions until 2009. From 2009 to 2011 she was the overall coordinator of the Karlsruhe Museum Night KAMUNA and then worked in a managerial position for the Karlsruher Messegesellschaft and here in particular for art KARLSRUHE. In autumn 2014 she took over the management of the Lübeck Theaterfigurenmuseum. Since October 15, 2015 she has been Managing Director of the European Hansemuseum Lübeck. In addition, she has been a volunteer on the board of the International Museum Council ICOM Germany since January 1, 2020.

The computer scientist Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Wittke heads the Digital Certificates department at TH Lübeck. This is essentially about checking authenticity in the digital world using cryptographic methods. As Chief Digital Officer, Andreas Wittke designed various e-learning formats for the subsidiary of the Fachhochschule oncampus GmbH. He founded the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform mooin and supports digitization at the Institute for Interactive Systems (ISy) of the TH Lübeck as well as at oncampus GmbH. Andreas Wittke researches digital certificates in the blockchain and created the DigiCerts network.

The moderator Theresia Lichtlein has been Head of Communications at the Technical University of Lübeck since 2016. In addition to the podcast “Gedankensprung” she moderates online and offline events, workshops and panels on science, business and academic life. “The podcast GEDENKENSPRÜNGE shows like no other format what different associations a keyword can trigger in different people,” she explains. “I find it incredibly fascinating when these perspectives collide and our world view expands. Our guests as well as our listeners can benefit from the perspectives of others and draw inspiration.”


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