troops on the border with Ukraine – a reaction to NATO

Russia is forced to take precautionary measures – this is how the Kremlin explained the presence of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine.

As the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation said in an interview with CNN Dmitry Peskov, the Russian authorities consider it necessary to leave them there “in the face of a very tense situation” related to promotion of NATO infrastructure to Russian borders.

In particular, Peskov pointed out that various NATO exercises, as well as flights of NATO fighters and spy planes, create an unfriendly atmosphere in the region.

Earlier, the Russian authorities have repeatedly rejected all accusations of “aggressive actions” by Western countries. According to the Kremlin spokesman, Russia has the right to move troops within its territory and at its discretion.

Meanwhile, the US presidential administration has prepared 18 action scenarios in the event of an “attack” by the Russian Federation on Ukraine, said US Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland.



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