Top civil servant Gray very critical of drink culture on Downing Street

Boris Johnson will leave 10 Downing Street on Monday afternoon to respond in the House of Commons to Sue Gray’s report on the get-togethers that took place in his office.Image AFP

Looking at sixteen lockdown drinks, Gray notices that there was a big difference between the culture in the official residence and that in the rest of the country. That sighed under the lockdowns imposed by the Johnson administration. She argues that while it was a good idea to use Downing Street’s garden as additional office space, it was not a good idea to have a drink there. According to her, the excessive drinking there is not appropriate for a working environment. Employees who objected did not dare to speak out.

Johnson has always denied any violations of the corona rules, something Gray is fighting. The big question is whether the Prime Minister has deliberately lied to the House of Commons. The researcher does not comment on that. In the afternoon, Johnson will make a statement in the House of Commons. He may apologize again. Then a debate follows.

Immediately after the report was published, the opposition repeated its call for resignation, but what is more important is the vote in the government faction. If 54 Conservatives give up their confidence in the prime minister, there will be a leadership election.

Chief of Staff Cummings wants to clean up British politics

The rapporteur was unable to put all her findings on paper, because the police suddenly started their own investigation a week ago. Initially, Police Commissioner Cressida Dick had no objection to the full publication of the Gray report, but a few days later the request was made not to go into details. This intervention suited Johnson well. It gave him the opportunity to influence his party members and to raise other issues.

For example, he announced that the British are ready to send troops to Ukraine. Tomorrow Johnson will travel to the besieged land. On the second anniversary of Brexit, the government also announced that it would scrap numerous Brussels rules. Despite this, several Conservatives believe Johnson’s best-before date has passed. For example, Brexiteer Andrew Bridgen has said his former ally has lost the moral authority to lead the country for a while. Anti-Brexit Tories also want to get rid of Johnson.

Corps Ball Culture at 10 Downing Street

‘Partygate’ was spearheaded by Johnson’s old chief of staff Dominic Cummings, who says he wants to clean up the sewer system of British politics. Former Downing Street employee Nikki da Costa has in The Times claimed that a fraternity ball culture has developed in the official residence, partly thanks to the actions of Chief of Staff Dan Rosenfeld.

Questions are also being raised about the role of Carrie Johnson, the First Lady who is said to have organized a drink to celebrate the departure of Cummings with Abba music. She had also bought a special Union Jack birthday cake for her husband’s birthday that had been festively cut.

The controversial prime minister is getting support from his ministers, while the mayor of the Teeside Valley region Ben Houchen has warned that the Conservatives will give up the newly conquered north if they dump Johnson. In an interview with noted journalist Andrew Neil, Secretary of State Michael Gove, a staunch advocate of lockdowns, said Christian forgiveness is in order for Johnson. About 18 thousand Britons have been fined during the lockdown for violating Johnson’s rules.


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