Timeless stories: the hardcover classics

C.i are all. Anna (Karenina), Emma (Bovary), Jane (Eyre) and the others. Back to newsstands Timeless stories, a great series, published by RBA Italia, of literary classics in which unforgettable protagonists struggle to be themselves, women of all ages who choose to live their lives, to follow the dictates of the heart beyond conventions.

After the first title of the collection, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (released January 14), will follow Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (January 28) And Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (February 11) and, gradually, all the others. An ambitious project: the plan of the work of Timeless Stories it foresees the publication of 75 novels in all, including masterpieces such as Dangerous Liaisons by Pierre Chordelos de Laclos, Portrait of a lady by Henry James e Tess of the d’Urberville by Thomas Hardy.

“Every re-reading of a classic is a discovery reading like the first … A classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say” wrote Italo Calvino in Why read the classics (Mondadori, 1981).

An opportunity, therefore, to re (discover) the pleasure of reading, thanks to volumes with a retro taste, with vintage illustrations in the frontispieces and decorated initials, a graphic design that reinterprets those of the Victorian era of The Cranford series, beautifully bound books, with gold-printed covers, commissioned from some of the best illustrators of the time, such as Hugh Thomson or Charles Edmund Brock.



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