ThreadStart, the free tool to simplify the creation and scheduling of threads on Twitter

On Twitter, there is a 280 character limit for writing a message. For this reason, many users write threads in order to tell a story. It consists in dividing into several successive tweets what one has to say. This involves being careful that you respond well to the original tweet so that the thread is readable and clicking on “add a tweet” to the thread each time. To facilitate the process, there are ThreadStart.

A tool to simplify writing a thread on Twitter

ThreadStart is an easy to use tool. To start using its features, you must first log in with your Twitter account. Then appears a dashboard with a calendar, which allows you to have an overview of your scheduled threads. To start writing one, click on “Editor”. On the page, which looks like a word processor, just start writing its content. When we reach the character limit of a tweet, two clicks on the “Enter” key are necessary for the text to split into a thread. ThreadStart offers a rendering preview on the right side of the screen.

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To facilitate writing, it is possible to create bulleted lists or numbered lists by clicking on one of the two buttons in “List”. For the thread to be easily readable, ThreadStart suggests numbering the tweets by choosing the style you prefer: 1/2, (1/2), [1/2]… The tool also offers to add images, emojis and GIFs to make the content more attractive.

Once the thread is written, just click on the “Schedule” button to schedule it. ThreadStart advises times to post it to get the most engagement. To boost the thread, it is possible to program its retweet. The advantage is that many metrics are available in the “Analytics” tab. This allows you to know the threads that have gained followers, that have obtained a lot of responses, likes or retweets… All the content can be found in the “Tweets” tab. To organize them, it is advisable to add a tag according to the theme addressed.

ThreadStart is a free tool. However, there are two paid plans for creators who need to use it for multiple Twitter accounts at once.


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