this is the situation in each community

01/29/2022 at 18:56


The incidence of coronavirus continues down this Saturday and most of the communities that have reported data highlight the decrease in infections and improvement in indicators of hospitalization and the risk of recurrence.

In Catalonia, the contagion curve maintains its slow decline and it seems that the sixth wave has peaked in this community, where infections have stopped breaking record figures and this Saturday they stand at 230,218 cases, while the accumulated incidence is reduced to 7 days (2,950 cases) and the risk of regrowth continues to decrease (6,121 points). Patients admitted to the ICU also decreased, which are currently 464, and people admitted to hospitals for covid, 93 less than on Friday.

The rate of spread of the disease (Rt), stabilized for days, also drops to 1.04, with which every 100 infected infect an average of 104 people, a figure already very close to that considered a clear indicator of decline of the spread.

Slowly, the saturation of outpatient clinics is loosening and on Friday they attended a total of 51,051 covid patient visits, some 20,000 less than on Friday of the previous week and half of the record of more than 102,000 visits last January 17.

Galicia registers a general drop in cases, infections and hospitalized and the cumulative incidence after fourteen days continues to decline and falls 18 points, to 2,861 cases per one hundred thousand inhabitants; while seven days later, the indicator rises again and reaches 1,370 (+23).

According to the latest data, corresponding to 6:00 p.m. on Friday, the region has registered a general drop in the main indicators of the pandemic with a decrease of about a thousand active casesalmost 800 fewer infections, up to 5,608, and a reduction of five in the number of patients in hospitals.

In Cantabria, admitted patients have gone from 200 to 190, of which 19 are in intensive care, three less. The cumulative incidence at fourteen days stands at 3,955, after dropping a hundred cases, and seven days it continues to drop to 1,876.

Too incidence has decreased in Andalusia (three points less) and the number of infections continues to decline on the last day to register 7,185 cases. The Ministry of Health and Families has reported that, currently, 2,187 patients confirmed with covid-19 remain admitted to Andalusian hospitals, of which 228 are in the ICU.

For its part, in Castilla la Manchathe cumulative incidence has fallen both at 7 and 14 days. The Ministry of Health has reported this Saturday that the region currently has a 14-day cumulative incidence of 2,438 cases of covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants (503 points less), and lower than the national average, which stands at 3,078 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Aragon has reported 3,364 positive cases of coronaviruses corresponding to this Friday, 208 less than the previous day and 1,176 less than a week ago, and one deceased in the last 24 hours, in the province of Zaragoza. The cumulative incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants in Aragon stands at 4,515.1 cases at 14 days and 1,997.3 at 7 days, while Huesca leads the provincial capitals with 6,043.5 and 2,835.6 infections, respectively, followed by Teruel with 5,736.8 at two weeks and 2,221.3 at one and Zaragoza, with 4,473.2 and 1,940.1, respectively.

in Navarrethe number of registered infections continues to declineup to 1,173, two hundred less than those registered the previous day (on Thursday there were 1,382).

In the Balearic Islands, the Ministry of Health has confirmed this Saturday 2,190 new cases of covid-19 and has reported three new deaths with the virus. The accumulated incidence in 14 days decreases to 3,033 cases per 100,000 people in the Balearic Islands, being Ibiza has the highest rate of infectionswith 4,152 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Menorca (3,824), Mallorca (2,782) and Formentera (1,604).

Infections decrease in La Rioja, with 2,142 active cases, 53 less than the previous day and, in relation to hospital pressure and other indicators, the latest data in this regard is that of yesterday, Friday, since the weekend the Executive it does not update these parameters. On Friday there were 53 people admitted for covid-19, of whom 6 were in the ICU of the San Pedro Hospital, a unit whose healthcare pressure for this disease stood at 13.95%, the same as the day before.

Ceutafor its part, maintains the highest incidence in Spain with more than 4,600 cases and has seen its situation in the hospital ICU complicated by reaching 29% occupancy after two new admissions in the last few hours. These data place Ceuta with the highest incidence in Spain and it remains at a very high risk of transmission at 14 days with 4,645.76 cases per 100,000 inhabitants -compared to 4,993 on Friday- as well as at 7 days with an incidence of 1,560, 16 cases, compared to 1,724.2 yesterday.

The Community of Madrid continues its downward trend the number of infections and admissions, with 8,228 new positive cases -a thousand fewer than this Friday-, 2,426 hospitalized on the ward -200 fewer than yesterday- and 283 in the ICU -three fewer-, although the number of deaths with covid has increased, 39, five more than this Friday. As for hospital pressure, this Saturday there are 2,426 people admitted to the ward for coronavirus (217 less than yesterday) and 283 in the ICU (3 less than yesterday). A week ago there were 2,832 patients hospitalized on the ward and 316 in the ICU.

The number of new covid positives registered this Saturday on the Murcian communitycorresponding to Friday, has been reduced by almost half compared to that of a week ago, going from 4,357 to 2,430, with which the pandemic continues on the downward path in a day with five deaths. It is also demonstrated by comparing the data of the accumulated incidence per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days between Thursday and Friday, which is lowered from 4,467 to 4,257.3, and in the last week, which falls from 1,902.3 to 1,797 ,5.

In Canary Islands In the last 24 hours, 17 people have died. with covid-19, the highest figure in a single day, and 1,439 new infections, 399 less than on Friday. On the islands there are 94 people admitted to critical units and another 596 remain hospitalized.


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