The writer Noé Jitrik was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature

A group of renowned Argentine writers and intellectuals proposed this week to writer and scholar Noah Jitrik as a candidate for Nobel Prize for Literature.

Khitrikborn in the city of Rivera in 1928, is one of the most recognized literature critics in the country, as well as the author of novels and books of poetry and short stories.

The group of writers that postulates it is headed by Adrián Desiderato, Luisa Valenzuela, Roberto Ferro, Conrado Yasenza, Mempo Giardinelli and Juan Chaneton; but they also adhere to the extensive presentation before the Swedish Academypersonalities like Adrian Paenza, Alberto Kornblithh, Jorge Monteleone, Luis Guzmán, the artist Luis Felipe Noé, Ludwig Ovsejevich, the musician Pedro Ignacio Calderón and former Minister Roberto Salvarezza. Also institutions such as the Cervantes Virtual Library. The writers of Mexico (the country where Jitrik lived and worked for many years of his life), Elena Poniatowska and Gonzalo CelorioThey also expressed their support.

“We believe that the literature of Noé Jitrik deserves the highest distinctions to the extent that his narrative crosses, in a quite pristine and peculiar way and in a double sequence, on the one hand, the complexity of the act of writing, the diffuse identity of every narrator, and the -therefore- elusive -for multivocal- essence of his saying, with, on the other hand, the rough flint of a historical and social earthiness that beats in the folds of his syntax in a choral way and behind of the scene and configuring, in this way, a crossroads of literature and politics that have become tools with which Jitrik looks at and denounces the reconfigured injustices and embarrassments of a time that is called globalization but that can also be called a time of hope for human beings fighting against the earth”, explain those who nominate the writer for the Nobel Prize.

“Noé Jitrik’s voice has become unmistakable due to the abrasive smoothness of his writing -forgive, this kind of oxymoron-, which constantly reveals new stitches and edges of the most pressing problems of our time. Together with Borges, Cortázar or Juan Gelman, to mention only a few references to the country of the Argentines, Noé Jitrik is, at one, a prophet and precursor in the expression of the Spanish-American spirit of the 20th century, while at the same time establishing, with his say very personal and singular, in lucid perceiver of the blurred insinuations that beat in the present as anticipation of a future whose true ‘be-in-si’ constitutes an enigma, not a mystery, following, with this opposition, Jitrik himself when he tells us that the former tends to reveal itself and reveals itself, while the latter remains, always, incognito, since the religious faith it serves is unknown” , the presentation continues.

“Many and very notable are the distinctions that the writer has received throughout his life. And therefore, we leave the news and knowledge of such awards, to the consideration of as many personalities and specialized organizations of Argentina that illustrious institution of the Kingdom of Sweden deigns to consult, as established by the rite and the rule that preside over and determine the incorporation of writers to the respective payroll”, thus conclude the adherents to Noé Jitrik’s application, the presentation before the Swedish Academy.

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