The world is changing and the usual ones (Vox and Podemos) don’t know

Being conservative is just as respectable as being progressive, both have a different attitude towards a change that they know is inevitable. Some want to slow it down and others want to speed it up. In both cases, in defense of their legitimate interests. Stupidity lies in immobility and Adamism. The first tries to deny the change and the second tries to make it good by nature. It is impossible for the world not to change as the Carlists intended with their motto “we have found it that way, that is how we will leave it”. As it is also impossible to think that all change is necessarily for the better with that aspiration of the “permanent revolution.” Can the EU have the same defense policy as when it was born? No. Can Spain have the same position on the Sahara as in 1975? No. Can journalism and politics treat an ideological boycott like a union walkout? No. One Sunday afternoon in the winter of 2022, the world turned upside down. And whoever does not want to understand it, he is simply an immobilist or an adanist. And he is out of the story.

Europe decides to have its own defense

Since World War II, Europe had outsourced its defense policy to NATO in the West and the Warsaw Pact in the East. The fall of the Berlin Wall extended the limits of the Atlantic Alliance to the confines of Russia. The new wall built after the invasion of Ukraine, as Marc Marginedas explains, begins in Portugal in the West and ends in Estonia in the East. The market and the social model of the EU are not going to be defended in the future by NATO, the umbrella that allowed it to be born, but by better armed armies, starting with Germany, and more coordinated within the EU itself. If the pandemic broke the taboo of debt mutualization, Ukraine may have definitively begun to break the taboo of creating a European army. In this context, applying the ideological manual prior to 1989 and demanding that Spain be part of the non-aligned groups is simply putting oneself out of history. As is empathizing with Putin out of pure anti-Americanism, a position shared in Spain by the extreme right and the extreme left. At the moment, You have to be on the right side of history. In other words, with the EU.

The Spanish Sahara unites opposites

The national syndicalism returns

For those who consider that the fight against inflation is a German mania to protect business interests, it is essential to observe what is happening in the transport strike and in the demonstrations this weekend. Unleashed inflation is Vox’s main source of political energy, exactly as it happened in Germany almost a century ago. The irresponsible rich cannot bear to be impoverished, but inflation is the only way they have to turn workers into pawns who turn on the streets for political power. In no other scenario do the proposals of the toughest employers obtain broad popular support. And that is what Vox is benefiting from, because in Spain PP and PSOE do not reproduce the cordon sanitaire neither against them nor against inflation. Falangism, in its national syndicalist version, is as un-European as communism, but certain press prefer to ignore that.
