The West does not provide evidence that Russia is preparing a war

The West accuses Russia of preparing invasion of Ukrainebut does not provide any evidence, said Vasily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN.

“Russia’s military action against Ukraine, which, as they convince everyone, is only a matter of weeks, if not days. At the same time, no evidence is provided to support such serious accusations,” Vasily Nebenzia said at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine, convened at the initiative of the United States. Russia was against this meeting.

According to the permanent representative, Russian servicemen are in their places of deployment, where they were before, and not at all on the Russian-Ukrainian border. He denied Nebenzya and allegations of 100,000 Russian troops on the border with Ukraine.

“I want to ask a question not only to our colleagues from the United States, but also to those who mentioned this, where did the figure of 100,000 military personnel come from, who, as you say, are located on the Russian-Ukrainian border? We have not named this figure anywhere and have not confirmed “, Nebenzya said.

Meanwhile, NATO said that Russia was conducting military exercises near Ukraine, allegedly to cover up preparations for an invasion.

“There is a significant risk that exercises like those being conducted in Belarus could be used to mask an attack on Ukraine,” he said at an online event hosted by The Washington Post.

According to Stoltenberg, NATO “does not have confidence about Russia’s intentions.” The NATO Secretary General invited Russia to decide what it wants: confrontation or a political solution to contentious issues.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Ukraine’s entry into NATO would undermine relations between Russia and the West.


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