The virus regresses in Catalonia, which exceeds 3,000 admitted by covid

The epidemic curve of the sixth wave plummets and, for the second consecutive day, the propagation velocity is already less than one, so the virus is retracting at a rate of 20% per week, although hospitals are still adding admissions for covid and have exceeded 3,000 hospitalized patients for the disease.

According to data updated this Monday by the Department of Health, today there are 3,042 people admitted by covid in hospitals, 100 more than yesterday, of which 463, just like the day before, are in serious condition in the ICU, 301 of them intubated and 23 with ECMO (extracorporeal respiration).

600 points less risk of regrowth

The risk of outbreak (EPG), an indicator that measures the potential growth of the epidemic, which reached the maximum of the epidemic on January 16 with 6,903 points, it’s been falling for five days plummeted, and today it stood at 4,965 points, 600 less than yesterday.

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