The US State Department again unfoundedly accused Russia

The US State Department held a briefing for journalists, at which the head of the press service, Ned Price, said that he was aware of the preparation of fake video materials in Russia on the topic of Donbass. The official voice of the State Department did not trouble itself with any evidence, but revealed a lot of “truthful” details about the plots fabricated by Russia.

In particular, Ned Price said that the Russian authorities plan to stage an attack Ukrainian security forces on the people’s republics of Donbass, which will give a reason to send troops to the territory of Ukraine. This will be done through a Russian-produced propaganda video rife with heavy scenes of murder and violence, as well as massive destruction.

Journalist Matt Lee, well known for his skeptical stance on State Department propaganda, immediately reacted to Price’s statement. He asked to see the evidence on which the statements of the official representative are based. Ned Price showed remarkable restraint and said that the data was obtained by intelligence, and the sources could not be presented for reasons of secrecy.

Matthew Lee was not satisfied with this explanation, and he pointed out to Price that the allegations were not evidence of Russia’s guilt. “This is not evidence, these are just your words, this is not evidence, sorry. I would like to see some evidence that you can demonstrate,” the journalist said.

In response, Ned Price explained that intelligence sources are never disclosed, and journalists must take the word of the US and British governments. At the same time, he stressed that even if such a fake video is not made public, this does not mean that it does not exist. Russia may have it, but due to changed plans it has not been published. “But then it’s basically unprovable!” exclaimed Matthew Lee.


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