The United States allowed the restriction of the export of smartphones to Russia because of Ukraine

Politics ,


WP: The US is exploring the option of limiting the export of microelectronics to Russia because of Ukraine

Washington is exploring the possibility of implementing a rule that would control the export to Russia of goods that use microelectronics created or developed using components or software related to the United States

The United States may tighten export controls on supplies to Russia in the event of its “invasion” of Ukraine, informs The Washington Post, citing representatives of the presidential administration. This can harm both some strategic industries, from artificial intelligence to civil aviation, and ordinary citizens, for example, deprive them of some models of smartphones, tablets and game consoles, they added. Information confirmed source The Hill.

In this case, Washington will invoke the foreign direct goods rule, which controls the export of microelectronics made with something related to the United States. According to WP, almost all electronics now include semiconductors and “it’s hard to find a semiconductor on the planet that wasn’t made using American tools or designed using American software.” The newspaper also notes that Washington may try to force foreign companies to stop exporting such goods to Russia.

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The Washington Post’s interlocutors say the administration is working with European and Asian partners to create a version of the rule that would hurt exports to Russia in the industries it is most interested in: civil aviation, maritime shipping and high technology.

One of the newspaper’s sources explained that in this way the US could undermine the ability of these sectors to become growth drivers for the Russian economy.


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