the unions begin today the last two days of strike

educational unions Ustec Stes, CCOO, Intersindical-CSC, Aspepc Sps, UGT, CGT and Usoc do this Tuesday and Wednesday the last two days of strike in the Catalan public school this March, after failing the mediation with the Conselleria de education. This is the fourth and fifth day of the strike — the first three were made from March 15 to 17— of this month, which are also added to the strike against 25% of Castilian on the 23rd and to the feminist strike on March 8.

The organizations will demonstrate in Barcelona at 11.30 a.m. from the Jardinets de Gràcia to the headquarters of the ‘conselleria’, on a tour identical to that of the first day of strike on the 15th. Hours before, the concentrations of teachers have caused traffic cuts that have complicated circulation on the C-31 in Plaza Ildefons Cerdà (L’Hospitalet) and in the Ronda de Dalt (in Vall d’Hebron direction Besòs) and the Ronda Coast (at the height of Sant Martí in both directions).

The outages are also disrupting bus service.

Mediation without agreements

Unions and Ministry did not reach any agreement in the fourth and last mediation meeting this Monday, and in a joint statement they called the process “historical deception”. They discredited that the administration provided “new proposals that not only do not reverse the cuts but also present new cuts,” such as a extension of the hours of stay of the centeror, and they branded the ‘ministry’ as immobile.

The general director of Faculty and Personnel of Public Centers, Dolors Collellaffirmed that union demands have a “very high economic impact” and saw it impossible to do them all at once.

Minimum services and reasons for the strike

Related news

The Government maintains some minimum services of one teacher for every three classrooms in infant, primary and secondary education, 50% of the staff in special education centers and nurseries and the presence of one person from the management team must be guaranteed for each center, 50% of the staff of monitors, kitchen service, reception service, after-school and attention to students with special educational needs.

The strike call, which was registered on March 4, calls for investing 6% of the GDP in education, the “reversal of the cuts” –restoration of the previous school hours, reduction of ratios, recovery of lost purchasing power, among other measures–, the stabilization of the personnel, the withdrawal of the new curriculum and, also, of the school calendar order.
