The UN Security Council met at the request of the United States. Russia vs.

UN Security Council spoke in favor of holding a meeting on the situation around Ukraine. The United States proposed to convene such a meeting on January 31, the TV channel reports. “Russia 24” and media platform “Looking”.

Dmitry Polyansky, First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, expressed the hope that his partners in the Security Council would not support “this PR trick.”

Polyansky said that the convening of the meeting was dictated by the intention of the United States to discuss “its own groundless accusations” against Russia.

Vasily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the Organization, urged the members of the Security Council not to support the meeting. In his opinion, the “panic” around Ukraine is caused by those “who promote the theme of the mythical Russian threat.” He called the meeting of the UN Security Council “injection of hysteria.” He also recalled that the presence of Russian troops near the Russian-Ukrainian border is an internal affair of the Russian Federation, in which other countries should not interfere.

“This is not only an unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of our state, but also an attempt to mislead the international community about the situation in the region and because of the current tension,” Nebenzya said.

The UN Security Council consists of 15 states. If one of the council members opposes any meeting, he may ask for a procedural vote. In this case, it is necessary that at least 9 out of 15 participants support it, then the meeting will not take place.

Earlier, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that Washington wants to discuss Russia’s “threatening behavior” towards Ukraine. British Ambassador to the UN James Cariuki, meanwhile, said that London wants to know about the intentions and plans of Russia related to the situation in Ukraine.

The West is concerned about the “build-up of the Russian military presence” on the border with Ukraine: there are accusations that the Russian Federation is allegedly preparing for an “invasion” on the territory of a neighboring state. Moscow has repeatedly rejected such accusations, saying that no “attack” is planned. Nevertheless, the United States, Great Britain and the European Union are preparing sanctions against the Russian Federation in the event of such an “invasion”.


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