The Supreme Court refuses to suspend the JEC agreements that annulled Juvillà’s credential in Parliament

02/15/2022 at 15:38


The Fourth Section of Contentious-Administrative Matters of the Supreme Court has rejected the precautionary measure to suspend the agreements of the Central Electoral Board of January 20 and 27 that left without effect the credential as a deputy of the Parliament of Pau Juvillà after having been sentenced to six months of disqualification and to pay a fine of 1,080 euros for refusing to remove the yellow ties from his office in Paeria de Lleida during the 2019 electoral period, when he was a councilor.

The court recalls that the agreement of the JEC of January 20 declared that the cause of supervening ineligibility concurred in Juvillà provided for in the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG), for having been convicted by a non-final sentence, issued on December 14 of 2021 by the Civil and Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia, to the penalty of a three-month fine with a daily fee of 12 euros and special disqualification for the exercise of elective public positions and functions of government and administration, whether at the local, provincial, regional, state or supranational level for a period of six months, for considering him responsible for a crime of disobedience.

The magistrates emphasize that the allegations of the CUP deputy Pau Juvillà up to now in his request for a precautionary measure are “generic and far from the examination of the agreements” of the Electoral Board, for which reason he sees no reason to change the criterion already set in previous cases where the same cause of supervening ineligibility was appreciated by the JEC.


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