The State Duma proposed to oblige government agencies to create pages in social networks

Politics ,


A bill was submitted to the State Duma obliging government agencies to maintain pages on social networks

The author of the initiative is Alexander Khinshtein, he called the Internet “a tool for reducing the distance between citizens and authorities.” According to the deputy, social networks are a more convenient channel for obtaining information, having only websites is not enough

A draft law has been submitted to the State Duma, which obliges the authorities to create official pages on social networks and post information about their activities in them. Document published in the database of the lower house of parliament.

The project proposes to amend Art. 2 of the Federal Law “On Information”. In accordance with them, pages in social networks will have to be maintained by authorities, organizations subordinate to state bodies and local governments.

The bill implies that government agencies will publish up-to-date data on social networks, including postal address, email address, phone numbers; information about the surveys they conduct “and other activities related to the identification of the opinion of citizens”; texts and videos of official speeches and statements.

“In modern realities, the presence of the organization’s website is insufficient. New methods of communication, already more familiar to citizens and regularly used by them, have emerged, the most popular of which are social networks,” the explanatory note says.


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