“The semi-final against Portugal will be a train wreck”

02/03/2022 at 06:30


After the convincing victory in the quarterfinals against Slovakia (5-1), the Spanish selection He is already sailing weapons in Amsterdam ahead of the semifinal of the European Championship this Friday at 8:00 p.m. in which the faces will be seen with the current champion Portugal.

Till the date, La Roja has gone from less to more after the ‘scare’ against Azerbaijanis (2-2) with Sergio Lozano as the great leader and with the also azulgrana Dídac Plana as owner of the goal.

In this sense, it is necessary to highlight the courage of the coach Fede Vidalwho has always fully trusted Jesús Herrero (Movistar Inter) and who has dared to start a relay under the sticks when he has deemed it appropriate.

From the capital of the Netherlands, Dídac has attended SPORT to explain his feelings and try to advance how to overcome a Portuguese team against which they lost in the final of the last European Championship and in the quarterfinals of the last World Cup (the rival in the ‘semis’ is the current champion of both tournaments).

Dídac is a key player in La Roja

| UEFAFutsal

How are you experiencing your first major tournament as a starter?

Well very good. I will not deny that the first few days I was a little nervous, especially because of the great responsibility of wanting to do well and show that I am prepared. As the games have gone by I’ve relaxed a bit and the idea is to be ready in case I have to play the semis. If Fede decides yes, then go out to the maximum and help in everything he can to get to the final.

He has gone from not being cited, to falling in the last sieve, to being in the stands, on the bench and now finally on the track…

Yes, it has been a process of years. The most important thing is knowing how to accept each moment and understand that in the end only one player plays and the other stays on the bench. The level in goal is very high and you have to take it as an elite sport. You have to be prepared and it seems that for now my time has come. I don’t know what will happen in the semis, but if I play I am clear that I am prepared to respond to confidence.

Fede Vidal is masterfully directing the national team


How do you see the team?

We are going from less to more. The team is very aware of what to do and what not to do… and we already saw that against Azerbaijan. Now it gets more and more complicated. The most important thing is that the mentality of the group is very good and we are convinced of the work we have done since preparing for the World Cup. If we capture it on the track with effort and concentration we can achieve the result we want. We have to go to the maximum without leaving anything behind, be clear about what each moment requires and be very focused.

How do you deal with the uncertainty caused by covid?

We know the virus is there. We are in a bubble and the ‘Fede’ is putting all the means to try not to affect us, but even so there are positives and that makes you uneasy. You think that tomorrow it’s your turn and that’s not good, because you don’t rest as you should. You have to be very attentive and very cautious, but if it touches you, then it touched you and that’s it. Either you take it that way or you’re paranoid all the time. Now look at Catela. It has been a huge stick for him for being left out in the final stretch of the tournament and also for the whole group.

You have experienced at Barça what Sergio Lozano has suffered. Are you surprised?

Not at all, because I’ve already seen him in recent months at Barça. To all the teammates and I would tell you that all the fans like to see him happy, at a good level and being the protagonist again. It’s nice to see how a player can recover so many times. He is very excited and eager. I hope he continues like this, because he gives us a lot. If he is physically and mentally well he can be decisive in this European Championship and later in Can Barça.

Sergio Lozano is shining with his own light

| UEFAFutsal

Is it special to play against Portugal, his ‘executioner’ in the World Cup and in the European Championship?

It is special, because it is the champion and the rival to beat. And we have to be very clear. They have beaten us in the last two official matches and we will have to sweat blood to beat them. We are very excited and we think it is a very good opportunity to reverse this dynamic.

Many of these Portuguese players they won the last Champions League final. Does that add more motivation?

Mmm…, the day we face Sporting with Barça there we will have our opportunity not to take revenge, but to beat them. This has nothing to do. Of course you know these players very well, because you have faced them several times, they are world leaders and you follow them. That already makes the motivation increase and you know that the demand is going to be maximum. But no, I don’t see them wearing the green and white Sporting shirt.

doThe 6-0 of the recent friendly Does it give you a plus in terms of confidence?

The past will be worth nothing. It is vital that we are focused on what we have to do, on the coach’s game plan, on competing to the maximum with all five senses and on not making mistakes. Everything else is part of the past and will not influence anything. They have the same desire as us and the semi-final will be a train wreck.

Zicky Té is the fashionable player in Portugal


How do you explain that Portugal continues to win without Ricardinho?

Ricardinho contributed a lot of things and it was seen in the World Cup, that physically he was not at his best and even so it was very important. It is no longer there, but they have a very consolidated block that competes wonderfully and it is being seen. With more or less solvency, but the game ends and you see that they have won. They know how to compete and we have to keep that in mind until the last second. We cannot loosen no matter how the game goes.

What will be the keys?

Show the true personality that all of us who are here have and play without hesitation, with courage and without fear of losing.


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