The Russian Foreign Ministry promised retaliatory measures to the ban on RT DE in Germany

The ban on RT DE broadcasting in Germany is a signal that Russian concerns have been defiantly ignored. Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has no other options but to introduce retaliatory measures against the German media in Russia.

“The German side was repeatedly pointed out the unacceptability of exerting politically motivated pressure on the Russian media operator, pointed out the inevitability of countermeasures if Berlin refuses to find a constructive solution to the problem it created with RT DE,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in an official statement.

Recall, on February 2, the Commission for Licensing and Supervision of the Media of Germany banned RT DE from working in Germany in German. The TV channel can no longer broadcast via the Internet, mobile application and via satellite.

Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the OSCE Maxim Buyakevich said on the air of the TV channel “Russia 24”that the German authorities selectively approach the observance of the political principles enshrined in the main documents of the OSCE.


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