The PP defends its ‘no’ to the labor reform for considering it “objectively bad”

The PP has defended its ‘no’ to the labor reform in the debate that is being held this Thursday in the Congress for considering that it represents an “objectively bad” change in the labor market. The new reform, agreed by the Executive with unions and businessmen, repeals, in part, the one approved by the PP with its absolute majority in 2012.

The spokeswoman for the parliamentary group, Cuca Gamarra, has risen to the rostrum to argue the rejection of the popular. The leader of his ranks, Pablo MarriedHe has not come to see him. The leader of the opposition has decided not to attend the debate of the decree-law and, according to sources from his team, he will go to the vote at noon.

Gamarra has affirmed that they are legal modifications that “run exactly in the opposite direction to the new realities of the Work market“. The social dialogue agreement supposes, he said, “a setback”. “The PP neither compromises nor compromises nor resigns itself when the employment of workers is at stake”, he added.

Gamarra began his speech by sticking his finger in the eye of the Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, who has defended the new labor reform before the chamber. The conservative leader has stressed that the ministers of Social rights, Ione Belarra, and that of Equality, Irene Montero, have not followed the debate in its entirety and have not supported Díaz. Both, according to United We Can sources, had to attend an event organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Commission, and they were only able to attend the first minutes of the session. “I understand your insecurity and that you are nervous,” has released him.

“You asked us a question. Do they confirm yes or no to the PP reform? Well, the PP confirms it”, answered Gamarra, who considers that this reform is at the “antipodes” of the one that the PP approved. That affirmation has earned Diaz in the reply to reinforce the impact of the changes that she has introduced at the hands of unions and businessmen, despite the fact that she has not achieved “repeal” the entire labor framework of 2012 (then agreed only with employers). “He has told the truth, because he is in the conceptual antipodes of her. His model was a social catastrophe. He had two general strikes. I participated in them”, explained the vice president. Díaz has pointed out as false that the PP reform has helped in the context of the covid-19 crisis. In his opinion, the “businessmen and the unions” and the Government have had to “get around” that legislation. “‘We have come to prohibit dismissal! If we had applied your rules, we would have that 27% unemployment rate that you have come to have,” he snapped.

In the rejoinder, Gamarra has defended the economic policy of the PP governments and the unemployment “inheritance” they received from Felipe Gonzalez and Jose Louis Rodriguez Zapatero. The conservative spokeswoman has said goodbye to the rostrum, warning Díaz that “the machinery of sanchism” has been launched against her. “She has entered the cutting room of the President of the Government”, she added before recommending that she discuss the matter with José Luis Ábalos or Carmen Calvo, who jumped from the Executive last July. “That clock has also started for you”it is finished.

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The labor reform has ended up being a bitter victory for Díaz, despite the success of having done it with businessmen and unions, since until the last moment the vice president has tried to carry it forward with the block that facilitated the investiture. However, ERC and EH Bildu will vote ‘no’ and the liberals of Ciudadanos will help in the ‘yes’ vote with their nine seats.

The alleged “crime” of field inspections

The depopulated Spain and the controversy of Alberto Garzón’s macro-farms, against the backdrop of the elections in Castilla y León on February 13, have also had their space in the debate on labor reform. The increase in inspections in the construction sector, industry and also the countryand the reduction of temporary employment in general, and also in the countryside, has been criticized by the PP spokesperson, Cuca Gamarra. According to the popular deputy, the attitude of the Government “borderline crime”. “That reference to the change in the sanctioning regime established by this reform supposes a persecution for many farmers”, he has affirmed.

To the Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, this consideration seems worrying because it places the PP next to the businessmen who break the law. The new labor reform, Díaz has recalled, will mean that the irregularities will not be “infractions in social order” but will be considered as “authentic criminal behavior”.


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