The perfect time to place a bid on Ebay

In the online auction house Ebay you can get hold of goods at bargain prices. TECHBOOK explains how you are guaranteed to make the best bid and, ideally, protect your wallet.

On Ebay we can mainly find used items online at lower prices. However, if you want to buy an object of desire at a bargain price, you should above all keep an eye on the time: Bidding correctly on Ebay is not pure luck, but also a question of perfect timing.

These tips will increase your chances of winning the bid in the future:

Note the time of the first bid

When the first bid for the auction is received is decisive for the final price that the eBay seller will receive for his item. Therefore, you should not immediately bid on interesting items, but first add the Ebay auction to your watch list. Why is this better? You don’t drive up the price unnecessarily – even several days before the hammer falls online.

Also read: Sellers are not allowed to end auctions on eBay for no reason

Bid on Ebay at the right time

If you keep an eye on auctions that end very early in the morning or at night, you will have fewer bidders. Many people are asleep at these times and are not on the Internet. They certainly don’t bid on Ebay. You should therefore take advantage of such opportunities!

The last few seconds are crucial

Real Ebay junkies love it: The thrill of the last few seconds of the ongoing auction. In this time everything is possible! Under no circumstances should you gamble away your money. Keep calm and play a little poker. Only at the very last moments should you become active on Ebay and click on the bid button. Enter your personal highest bid for the item in question. If your maximum bid is higher than that of your competitor, you only pay 50 cents (from 50 euros the amount increases by one euro) more than the bid submitted by your competitor. This tip also applies to the highest bid.

Under no circumstances should you place your actual maximum bid right at the beginning, as this means it can be outbid more quickly by other bidders. It is best to observe the other bids and only get involved in the last few seconds. The most important thing: Do not increase your possible maximum bid again until shortly before the end of the auction. This can ensure you the desired article.

Also interesting: You can do this if your Ebay account has been hacked

Bid on multiple Ebay auctions

The probability of winning a product at the best possible price potentially increases with the number of auctions that you are watching at the same time. The more auctions you keep an eye on in your watch list, the more likely you are to target the right one with the best priced item.

In general, set yourself a financial limit for the product you are watching on Ebay and don’t be tempted to bid more money for it. If you are unsuccessful, remember that there are usually plenty of other eBay auctions to bid on. So stay relaxed and remember: perfect timing is everything!


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