The Netherlands receives request for delivery of military goods to Ukraine | news item

News item | 03-02-2022 | 17:09

The Netherlands has received a request from Ukraine for the supply of military goods. That is what the cabinet wrote to the House of Representatives today.

The Ministry of Defense is currently making an inventory of which goods the Netherlands could supply. Any deliveries are carefully checked against the European criteria for arms export control.

Ukraine developments

In the letter to the House of Representatives, the cabinet discusses the tensions caused by the Russian troop build-up on the border with Ukraine. Prime Minister Rutte and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoekstra visited the country this week. During the meeting with President Zelensky, the bilateral relationship, MH17 and the threat from Russia were on the agenda.

Support to Ukraine

The Netherlands supports Ukraine in various ways, the cabinet writes. Our country has offered expertise to prevent cyber attacks. The Netherlands also supplies a diving team from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service and an extra frigate.

This support comes in addition to the previously announced Dutch military reinforcement of present NATO units: for example, the Netherlands is making 2 F-35 fighter aircraft available, including support personnel and an amphibious transport ship with landing craft and helicopters.

Travel Advice Ukraine

The travel advice for Ukraine is orange and red. The advice is to postpone any trips to the country. Dutch people in Ukraine are advised to check whether their presence is really necessary, and to leave otherwise.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on Dutch people in Ukraine to register with Foreign Affairs Information Service. In this way, the Dutch in Ukraine remain informed about the latest developments.


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