The Netherlands in Resistance demonstrates in The Hague

The Netherlands in the Resistance demonstrates in The Hague

The Malieveld in The Hague is the scene of a demonstration against the corona measures on Sunday afternoon, under the motto ‘we are tired of the lies’. The demonstration is organized by the Netherlands in Resistance.

The participants walk a protest march that starts and ends on the Malieveld. Along the way they pass the Hofvijver near the Binnenhof. The organization says it is counting on 25,000 participants. The demonstration starts at 1:00 PM and lasts until approximately 4:00 PM. There will be performances and speakers, including the foreman of the Netherlands in Resistance, Michel Reijinga.

On the website, the action group writes: “Giving up is not an option! Towards a fresh, new, fair policy. Live freely, travel freely, be free”. In addition, digital postcards can be seen with an appeal to various well-known Dutch people to join the demonstration, including Wopke Hoekstra, Claudia de Breij and Queen Máxima.

Last Sunday there was a similar protest in Rotterdam. Thousands of protesters took part.


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