The gym in your suitcase: exercises to relax your muscles while traveling

Train, car, plane, what to do when you are forced to remain motionless in the same position? Here are the exercises recommended by the expert

Movements in the time of Covid: even with the many pandemic restrictions, Christmas means travel. “Train, car, plane be it, you spend many hours sitting – he explains Stefano Marini, fitness manager of Aspria Harbor Club, Milan -. What to do when you are forced to stand still in small spaces, immobile in the same position? The annoyances caused by prolonged immobility, keep us company for days, often amplify. The solution? A specific mini program for flexibility of the entire musculature, which favors the mobilization of the vertebral column, restarts the correct blood and lymphatic circulation, relaxes the muscles contracted from having to remain in the same positions for a long time. It can be done in any moment of the trip, but also once they arrive at their destination. Without neglecting self-massage of the diaphragm: serves to relieve stress symptoms and feelings of anxiety that sometimes accompany a shift. Traveling, whenever possible, in breaks if you are driving, 15 minutes are enough, perhaps divided into several moments, with great importance to breathing:initial two to three minutes they are sufficient, with deep inhalations and exhalations ”.


Relax your pectoral muscles. “Seated, bring your arms flexed behind, your fists to the side of your spine. Press your elbows against the seat arching your back and bring your chest up. Kept 35 seconds, 2 repetitions “.

Trapezius self-massage. “Flex one arm and place your fingers on the opposite shoulder. Slide your fingertips by pressing them on the side, from bottom to top, bending the head towards the hand opposite the shoulder. 6 repetitions per side ”.

It stresses the ankles. “Sitting on the edge, legs bent 90 °, lift the heels, extend the instep and rest on the forefoot. Then bring your toes up with your heels on the ground. 2 series of 8 repetitions per side “.

Pamper and massage the diaphragm. “Legs bent and crossed, bring your fingers under your side while inhaling. Breathe out while flexing your spine and gently pressing your fingers. Return to the starting position and repeat 2 times “

Mobility of the cervical spine. “With the back stretched and detached from the seat, feet resting, head in line with the torso, extend the neck forward, without flexing or stretching too much. 10 repetitions “

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