The Government will set its maximum price on Thursday

  • The Interministerial Commission on Drug Prices will meet that day to agree on a limit to the tests that are sold in pharmacies

The Interministerial Commission of the Prices of Medicines, a collegiate body of the Ministry of Health of which other departments and the autonomous communities are part, will set next Thursday the maximum price of antigen self-diagnostic tests.

This has been reported by the government spokespersonIsabel Rodríguez, in the press conference after the meeting of the Council of Ministers in which she said she understood “citizen concern” about the increase in the price of these tests in recent weeks, in which your demand has skyrocketed.

Rodríguez has defended that, before this measure, announced on Monday by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, it was necessary to “guarantee supply“This Christmas, in which the market has been stressed by the strong increase in demand for self-tests.

Once guaranteed, now the Executive will establish maximum prices as it did with other health products such as masks or hydrogel. “The Government has a permanent commitment in the prevention of the covid”, has emphasized the spokesman.

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Asked if its sale will be opened to other establishments beyond pharmacies, Rodríguez has referred to the appearances that tomorrow and Thursday offer the Minister of HealthCarolina Darias, to give more details on the agreements reached.

Although he has affirmed that the Government has always acted hand in hand with scientific evidence and, in this case, with that of pharmaceutical distributors and colleges to give more security to citizens.



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