“The girl was just killed.” Colleagues express condolences to Kamila Valieva

Kamila Valieva, who took the personal tournament of the 2022 Olympics only fourth place, was under tremendous pressure after she was accused of using illegal drugs. This opinion was expressed by many famous athletes and coaches.

Svetlana Zhurova, an Olympic champion in skating and now a State Duma deputy, explains:Sportsman I’m used to the schedule. She has [Камилы Валиевой] everything was shot down: interrogations, control, journalists, here you have to hide and run away. This load is heavy for a girl.”

Well-known figure skating coach Elena Chaikovskaya believes that everything looks bad in the situation with Valieva: “And the worst thing is that the investigation has not been completed,” the expert quotes TASS. No one knows what they will come up with next. It’s disgusting that they arranged it all and feel sorry for the child.”

“She was just broken, psychologically broken. I can’t imagine what Camila feels now,” Irina Slutskaya reacted emotionally. “God, what a nightmare! She is the fourth,” Irina added.

Tchaikovsky’s colleague in the coaching department Tatyana Tarasova also spoke emotionally about the situation: “The girl was killed and eventually killed. We saw it,” she says. RIA News. At the same time, the coach also noted the success of Anna Shcherbakova and Alexandra Trusova, who won the medals of the 2022 Games.

Live broadcasts of winter competitions Olympic Games from the capital of China Beijing in the coming days can be watched on the channel “Russia 1” and the media platform “Looking”.
