The Foreign Ministry announced attempts to draw the OSCE mission into a “militarist psychosis”

Photo: Alexander Rekun / Global Look Press

The countries that have decided to withdraw employees from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) from Donetsk are purposefully dragging it into the militaristic psychosis pumped by the United States and using it as a tool for provocation. About it stated official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in her Telegram channel.

According to her, the OSCE Chairmanship and Secretary General of the organization Helga Maria Schmidt informed its members about the decision of “a number of countries” to “relocate their citizens – employees of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine due to deteriorating security conditions.” Schmidt informed on Twitter that the mission will carry out its duties without interruption.

The representative of the Luhansk People’s Republic considered the departure of the OSCE from the Donetsk People’s Republic a sign of preparing a provocation

Photo: Celestino Arce / / Global Look Press

“These decisions cannot but cause us serious concern. The mission is deliberately dragged into the militaristic psychosis pumped up by Washington and used as a tool for a possible provocation,” Zakharova wrote.

The Foreign Ministry called on the organization to stop “attempts to manipulate” the mission and prevent the organization from being drawn into “unscrupulous political games.”


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