The essence of the company is intact

In the last few days, Generación Zoe was in the news in several media outlets in Argentina because the National Securities Commission (CNV) announced that it had initiated an administrative investigation against the firm, Universidad del Trading SA and me and the founder of these companies. for the “possible public offer and irregular intermediation in the capital market”.

The attack was systemic. There is always criticism with a disruptive institution. We have been dedicated to education for 5 years, since January 2017. First we were 500, then a thousand students. Today we are 85,000 worldwide. Being so many, there are many more people who know us and then the attacks began in a systemic way, moved by some organizations that curiously are financial or are dedicated to the purchase and sale of Bitcoin.

It is pertinent to clarify that in Argentina we have a trust and what we have disrupted is that the student, who pays for a career in coaching, NLP or English in any place where he or she is going to study, in our case sees that his or her money is not in the institution. The disruptive thing is that we invest it in a trust and as a trust we decide how much to distribute and how much to pay the settlors. That 7.5 in dollars that we pay monthly and that attracts everyone’s attention, we have been generating it for a long time in the world of trading, but we have also dedicated ourselves to opening companies. So when the word scam appears, which is not fulfilling a promised service, it hurts. In these five years we have not had any complaints or claims from any member of Generación Zoe, so it is striking that they attack us from outside.

Today we are in 21 countries, we have 72 physical branches, we are not those multilevel or network companies that come from anywhere and last six months and handle everything online and you have no one to go to claim. I am currently in Mexico for an event for 800 people in Mexico City and another in Cancun for 1,200 people. Because in Generation Zoe people are brought together, they are fed, they are given a paid stay. They don’t talk about that, when they talk about scam, it’s unbelievable. People are studying, earning money and we give them training. We have been doing it for five years and we also do business, yes, of course. We have opened NFT, Metaverse, they are all businesses that on a large scale are millionaires. As we also have physical businesses: Zoe Natural, Zoe Burguer, Pizza, car dealerships, many businesses. In the world of soccer, for example, this year we took on another club from Finland and we are a sponsor of Chacarita. They are clubs that if no one gives them a hand, they find it difficult to keep up, that their players live well, to be competitive. Last year we took charge of Deportivo Español and took it to fight for promotion in the First C. They don’t talk about all that either: players who were owed three or four months and now they are up to date. We have given him Zoe Cash as a prize, which is our cryptocurrency and it rose 400% in seven months. They don’t say anything about that either.

People have a lot of frustration in their hearts, there is a lot of jealousy, a lot of envy, a lot of cracks, and when something new, disruptive appears, they scream. We don’t do business like everyone else does, maybe that’s why we grew 6,800 percent in one year. We are innovators and I wonder if that is a sin. They attacked us a lot after the CNV statement and so now we bought an ALyC, which is called Collecting, and I also matched the money for the guarantees. Now we hope to receive the acceptance of the CNV to also operate in the financial and public spheres. An administrative summary was filed against me but it is due to all the complaints made by tweeters and some media outlets, which I prefer not to name, which are united. Oh coincidence that they were also with these companies that are denouncing us. So there’s a bit of a medium-dark odor. We are going to continue showing our faces, opening the doors. Democratizing education and the economy.

Of course all this media attack harms, but the company is not going to disappear for that. We are people of values, of principles, we put God first and we are not going to respond with the same stone that they are throwing at us. But we have to set limits and that’s why we made several legal presentations so that they stop attacking us without argument. They found an old monotributo of mine, it is obvious that I am not monotributista. I am a registered manager and I have companies and I have been the president for a long time. I became a millionaire at the age of 24, after working very hard in Spain and Chile. Now some stir the past to throw bad vibes. They are continuously attacking without support, because as I already said, no one in our community has denounced us, it is an external systemic attack. There is a lot of ignorance. That’s why I want to send a message to our community: all we do is serve and work. Now they are making fun of us with the issue of the church. And yes, we have Aviva Zoe, we preach the Gospel. What is the problem? We have foundations, we help children, the elderly, we build neighborhoods, where is the scam? If everything is materialized and people are getting paid in a timely manner as they should.

The National Securities Commission announced that it is investigating us, yes, but it has nothing to do with the operation of the company, but with the public offering through the networks. What happens is that some journalists cut the sentence and put the “cessation of activities” dictated. That is very serious. There was a request and it was answered. There was a summary and we accepted it and responded to it. We have prohibited the people of our community from making a public offering through the networks. We sell education. Now when we have the endorsement of the CNV, after making the change of authorities in the ALyC that we acquired, we will operate as brokers, but that has nothing to do with the current trust and the study of the people. They can give us a bigger umbrella so they don’t attack us anymore, but they’re going to keep talking about the pyramid. What is pyramid? We take out a career in ontological coaching or oratory, we give a subsidy to those who come to study for the three years of study, and that money is put in the trust. The other day a boy appeared on TV saying unsubstantiated things, pure lies. There are media that, unusually, give press to anyone. Among other things, it was said that when people sell Zoe Cash it is worth less than what they bought it for. Lie. It was worth 0.05 and today it is trading at 0.21 cents on the CoinMarketCap. He said that we do not accept pesos in Argentina and we do accept them, even with better support than in other places. He said that you had to enter to study with 500 dollars, as a criticism, and it is the best price in the world, in fact other coaching organizations attacked us for that, they also started with all these attacks. Quite flashy. Another thing is that Zoe Cash has nothing to do with the 7.5 that we pay, it is a coin that is going to have more and more usability. We are finishing the apps so that merchants can receive it. It is the first Latin American crypto currency, something that should give pride. If the Ethereum rises from 1 dollar to 4 thousand it does not seem exorbitant, but that we give 7.5 yes. Another fact: network companies, catalog sales, all pay 30, 40 and 50%. How do we do to give a 7.5? We invest in digital assets, that and trading give much more than 7.5. I myself made 11% profit in one day on a $265,000 trading account. It seems that they are angry that one prospers, that one earns money. We diversify education and wealth. It’s not that we’re keeping the funds. They don’t let us innovate because some voices from the market appear. We ask them to give at least the possibility of healthy competition. We do not want to fight with anyone, we are simply going to protect the interests of our community. It is very striking to see how a part of the market and the unfair competitive culture of Argentina behave and react.

The CVN statement, which says that Zoe is not registered with said Commission, causes damage because we mix the water with the oil. Generación Zoe is not in the CNV, that is why we have bought the company Collecting, as I already mentioned, and we are managing that registration. Obviously everything is detrimental because the student or member of the organization will want to have a conversation to see what happens in the face of so much attack. Because this is massive. But as people are happy, they are contained, and we comply with everything, there has not been a serious situation. But all this harms, of course, because a journalist begins with something moved by a background interest and a snowball is made. We do not know how long this attack will last, but we are prepared and willing to continue working. For example, I went to Uruguay to get medical treatment and someone out there published that maybe I wouldn’t return to Argentina, that I would run away with the money. I came back the same weekend. It is a shame.

Generation Zoe is in 21 countries, we have a digital bank, we have brokers, we have done many things. We are going to open in Sweden. That is why when they attack and say that one is a character, I tell them that we are a learning community that generates resources in the financial field, we have been training and we have very good traitors. There are very important people that we hire, they are not 22-year-olds who are taking their first steps. We have four branches in Spain, I am now in Mexico to open in the DF. We are in Colombia, in Peru, in Chile, in Bolivia, in Brazil. I lived in 11 countries. That’s why these people who go out to talk nonsense and say that I became a millionaire in recent months are funny. I bought an entire building in front of the Platense stadium when I was in my twenties. And they talk about pyramid schemes… They don’t know the damage they cause, even in the family. But they don’t care about anything. They get the most berreta version. If there is something to judge, let the Justice do it, not a journalist or a tweeter.

Due to the aforementioned, Generación Zoe has already initiated the corresponding criminal actions against all those who attacked us. Everything is presented against tweeters, youtubers and those who publish on Instagram. I will go to the last consequences. I have to defend the community, the people who trusted us.

And I tell all the members of Generación Zoe that the community is going to continue in the same way because beyond the fact that some people may run away because of the fear generated by the massive attack, we are going to continue trading, investing, with open brokers , let’s go for the million leaders. Now comes the whole line of banks, the Metaverse, the Zoe Paradise (country club), the virtual lots. We are heading towards a world where physical money is going to disappear. We cannot stay with our eyes and mouth closed. We have a very large community, very strong, someone can always slip when faced with false news, but the essence of the company is impeccable, intact. While some were attacking us, I was with 150 leaders training, in Lobos, we were planning. Designing scenarios. We work 24 hours. Everyone sells, we also sell. Now we have grown a lot and they are afraid of us. I don’t know what they fear losing.

*Requested: Leonardo Cositorto, CEO of Generación ZOE.

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