The covid-19 moves away the goal of the blood donor marathon

  • 8,521 people join the ‘life counter’, although the goal was to reach 10,000

The last blood donor marathon in Catalonia ended this Saturday without achieving the goal of 10,000 donations, but with the relief of having recovered, at least in part, the blood reserves necessary to care for patients who need it. In total there have been 8,521 donations and 865 new donors have been registered. As explained by the promoters of this initiative, the Banc de Sang i Teixits de la Generalitat, the drop this year is due, in part, to the impact of covid-19, since only people who have not had covid-19 can donate blood or those who overcame the disease more than 28 days ago. Even so, despite the decline caused by the coronavirus, the initiative concludes with an optimistic balance thanks to “so many generous and altruistic people.” “The scoreboard can go up every day, with or without a marathon.”

Banc de Sang i Teixits hoped that thanks to this latest campaign, launched under the slogan “Add to the generation D“, they got some 10,000 blood donations Y around 2,000 new donors. The objective was to “attract the young donor” to ensure the relief in donations and, in turn, fill some blood banks that currently have particularly low reserves due to both the decline in donations during the holidays Christmas and the impact of the pandemic.



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