The country opens again: these are the relaxation | 1Limburg

On Carnival Friday, the Netherlands is almost released from all corona measures. The one and a half meters will disappear, cafes will be allowed to open as long as before the crisis and face masks will only be mandatory in public transport and at airports.

The relaxation of the cabinet that Minister Ernst Kuipers announced on Tuesday evening during his press conference therefore seems to be perfectly timed for regulars.

Less sickening
However, the great popular festival of the south played no part in the government’s decision. The main reason for the relaxation is the fact that the number of corona patients admitted to hospitals remains stable, while the number of infections has risen sharply in recent times. “We are more resistant to the virus through vaccinations and through previous infections. And the omikron variant is less pathogenic.”

Also read: Relaxation just before fixed laovend

Quick Steps
According to the minister, this means that after ‘two years devoted to protection against the virus’, there will again be room for young people, for sport, for culture. “Not in one go, but in large, quick steps. With attention to vulnerable people in society.”

far from away
Yet Kuipers warns carnival-goers not to throw themselves carelessly into the festivities. He asks to take into account that the corona virus is still ‘far from’ gone: “Celebrate it in your own environment, go to the cafe, but avoid large crowds”, is his urgent advice. In particular, he asks that vulnerable people be taken into account: “They must remain extra careful, and others must take them into account,” said the minister. “The chance that you will become infected is high, so is the chance that you will transmit the virus to someone in vulnerable health.”

First step
During the press conference, Kuipers immediately deleted the advice not to receive more than four people at home at the same time. The advice to work from home if possible has also been abolished with immediate effect. Instead, people are now being asked to work in the office for up to half of their working time.

February 18
The second step in the relaxation will follow on Friday. The catering industry is then allowed to open until 1:00 am for people with a corona ticket, and the same applies to events indoors with less than 500 people. At larger gatherings, a fixed seat and mouth caps are still required. The home isolation is also shortened to 5 days after an infection.

Carnival Friday
On February 25, the mouth caps and the one and a half meters will disappear from the streets. The mouth and nose mask is then only mandatory in public transport and at airports. Events with more than 500 people will then be released, although a negative corona test will be mandatory.


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