The best memes of the tire workers strike

In recent days, the news that the tire factories Pirelli, Fate and Bridgestone stopped its production due to a strike and blockade of the Argentine Tire Union caused a stir in public opinion and, how could it be otherwise, in social networks.

And it is that the cessation of activities of these factories leaves Argentina practically without tire production. The memes were immediate, and jokes began about the difficult situation to get vehicle covers due to the conflict.

Some of the most celebrated memes were from the page “Consistency please”; that used an image from the famous animated series “The Flintstones”, where a family of cavemen used a car that instead of having wheels was propelled by the feet of those who made up the prehistoric vehicle. “Who needs Diesel or tires!? Long live Peron!” makes Fred Flintstone say the meme.

From the same page came another of the most celebrated: it is the famous scene of “The Secret in Their Eyes”; the movie of John Joseph Campanella Oscar winner, in which the character of William Francella talk to the one from Ricardo Darin. In that scene, Francella tells Darín that the murderer they are chasing can change many things, “but he cannot change his passion.” The meme reversed the dialogue, and now what the killer can’t change “are the covers.” There were also memes announcing the arrival of the “rubber dollar.”

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On Friday, in an internal statement, Pirelli He had pointed out that the blockade and strike by the union was “illegal” in nature and “profoundly authoritarian and anti-democratic, since it violates fundamental rights such as freedom of movement and work that are enshrined in our constitution.” “We have warned the union that the blockade will cause the total paralysis of the plant and the unfortunate consequences that this entails for the people who work at Pirelli.

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“Despite our efforts to resolve the situation through dialogue, we have encountered a tough and intransigent union,” the company explained. Union measures are in protest because the companies in the sector had offered to begin negotiate the joint 2022/2023 without having given rise to wage claims on the previous parity. The conflict still does not seem to have a solution. But the memes remain.

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