That’s why we don’t play at the weekend

Breather in the Bundesliga. On the last weekend in January, the ball rests in German professional football. But why actually? Finally, the national team is not in action. t-online clarifies.

At the beginning of January, the Bundesliga started the second half of the season after a fairly short winter break. Now the game between the 20th and 21st match day is interrupted for two weeks. The same applies to the 2nd league and other European top leagues. That’s atypical. Because a “classic” international break is not the reason for it. The DFB-Elf has namely free of play.

But: World Cup qualifiers are played on other continents. For example in South America and Asia.

Uefa went a different way than Fifa

Background: Fifa had actually scheduled those qualifying games for the period between August 31 and September 8, 2020. However, due to the corona pandemic, these were canceled at the time and will now be made up for.

But: Uefa went a different way and had the games scheduled at the time carried out in the Nations League. As a result, European internationals now have two weeks off from playing while their counterparts from other parts of the world are at work for their national teams.


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