TH Lübeck and FH Kiel are organizing a joint robotics competition for the first time

The task is quite demanding: First of all, the robots have to cross a labyrinth as quickly as possible; Then a rescue mission awaits them and in the end they have to fight against each other like sumo wrestlers. That’s why the organizers named their joint robotics competition “Robo Maze Rescue Clash”: Maze (English labyrinth), Rescue (rescue operation) and Clash (fight).

12 teams compete against each other

A total of 12 teams in Lübeck, Kiel, Schwentinental and Rendsburg still have until mid-February to program their robots.
The universities carefully selected the palm-sized robots.It was important to usexplains Sabrina Schönfeld from the youth campus University of Applied Sciences Kiel, that there are no costs for the participating schools. We provide the participants with the robots free of charge for the preparations and the competition itself. We wanted to create a MINT offering that was both attractive and low-threshold.

Workshop for teachers in advance

The students in grades 8 to 10 are supervised by their teachers. They were made fit for the competition as part of a workshop at the two universities, explains Janina Mahncke from Junior Campus the TH Lübeck. This enabled the teachers to identify in advance what problems the students would face during programming and to prepare specifically for them.
The organizers from TH Lübeck and FH Kiel will also be available to help with technical questions and challenges during the competition.

Competition final on February 15, 2024

At the February 15, 2024 Six teams will compete against each other in Lübeck and Kiel at the same time. In the future, the competition finals will take place alternately in Lübeck and Kiel. The new registration phase starts in mid-May 2024. This year’s competition was funded by the MINT Foundation LübeckMINT funding from Kiel University of Applied Sciences and the Kiel Ministry of Education enabled.
